Aliyah Rawles
Discovery Studio Lead Guide
Aliyah’s journey has been one of many rising actions! She began her work with young people as an early learning teacher and a Teaching Resident. Eventually, she became the founding teacher for a cutting-edge project-based learning program that was functioning within a public charter school in Washington, DC. There she led upper elementary learners in project creation, experiential learning outings, English Language Arts, and hands-on Social Studies curriculum.
She was inspired daily by the curiosity, resilience, and adaptiveness of young people and became convinced that a learner-centered and project-based model is the best way for children and adolescents to learn. When she came across TVS, she knew she’d found a place where she could commit 100% to focusing holistically on the learner and guide them in navigating their own journeys. In her spare time, she loves to spend time with her Labrador retriever, curl up on the couch to read a good book, or watch history documentaries!