COVID-19 Policy
Our mission is to deliver a safe, joyful, and productive in-person learning experience for families. It will be critical for all families to commit and adhere to the health & safety protocols to ensure the safest environment possible for our learners and staff.
(Updated 5/9/22)
One of the advantages of being a micro-school is our ability to be nimble and quickly adapt to changes. Below are our current policies and protocols — reflecting current data and CDC safety recommendations for schools.
Regardless of vaccination status
DAY 0: Email as soon as possible
DAY 1-5: Stay home for 5 whole days after testing positive.
DAY 6: If you are asymptomatic, return to school and continue to wear a mask.*
Regardless of vaccination status
DAY 0: Email as soon as possible
DAY 1-5: Stay home for 5 whole days after testing positive.
DAY 6+: When you are 1) fever-free for 24 hours without medicine AND 2) all of your symptoms are improving, return to school. Continue to wear continue to wear a mask.*
If you have had a confirmed case of COVID in the past 90 days and notified TVS of positive test result.
DAY 0: You will receive a notification from the school or please notify us of your outside exposure as soon as possible.
DAY 1-5: Return to school and monitor for symptoms, Continue to wear a mask.*
DAY 6-10: If you have had a confirmed case of COVID in the last 90 days. you do not need to test.
If you have NOT had a confirmed case of COVID in the past 90 days and notified TVS of positive test result.
DAY 0: You will receive a notification from the school or please notify us of your outside exposure as soon as possible.
DAY 1-5: If the exposure is from a household member, stay home for 5 full days and monitor for symptoms
If the exposure is NOT from a household member, return to school and monitor for symptoms, Continue to wear a mask.*
DAY 6-10: Test on Day 6-7 and email your negative test result. Continue to wear a mask.* If symptoms develop, isolate and test immediately.
Ability to return to school following a household exposure will be considered on a case-by-case basis and dependent on factors such as ability to isolate, mask wearing, exposure timeline, etc. The learner will be required to mask and show proof of a negative test each of the 5 days following potential exposure.
Regardless of vaccination status
DAY 0: Email as soon as possible
DAY 1-?: Stay home and test as soon as possible.
DAY ?-10: When you 1) have emailed a negative test AND 2) your symptoms are improving, return to school. Continue to wear a mask.*
When you have 1) isolated for 5 full days from the onset of symptoms AND 2) your symptoms are improving, return to school. Continue to wear a mask.*
Regardless of vaccination status
DAY 0: Email as soon as possible
DAY 1-?: Stay home.
DAY ?-10: When you 1) have emailed a negative test AND 2) your symptoms are improving, return to school. Continue to wear a mask.*
When you have 1) isolated for 5 full days from the onset of symptoms AND 2) your symptoms are improving, return to school. Continue to wear a mask.*
Masks will be required by all learners and staff during times the county’s community level is high. (These metrics are based on the number of severe cases that require hospital care and use healthcare resources, reported by the CDC) Masks will be optional all other times. Following a positive case, we will require everyone to mask for 5 days.
Due to the fact that metrics are reported each Monday, we will notify the community of any changes to our mask policy that week, to be put into effect the following Monday.
Provide a *high-quality mask for your learner after exposure or during times of high community transmission.
Take your learner’s temperature and monitor for symptoms each morning before school.
Stay home if your learner is sick with any of the following symptoms: fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, runny nose, loss of taste/smell, diarrhea, and/or vomiting.
Keep your learner home if a family member or close contact has tested positive
* Mask must be high-quality, tight-fitting, and non-cloth. Either surgical masks, KN95s, or a mask with similar or better percentage and particle size filtration.
During Time of High Community Transmission:
Require *high-quality masks for all learners and staff
Keep studios in 2 separate pods at school: Discovery/Adventure and Spark
Hold community events and exhibitions outdoors or virtually
At All Times:
Notify you as soon as we learn of a positive confirmed case
Use air filters and take advantage of outside airflow (windows, doors, etc.) as much as possible
Send learners home if they are experiencing any symptoms
Maximize outside time including eating lunch and snacks
Disinfect the studios daily
Multiple Cases:
We may consider going virtual with a studio or the school depending on the number of cases, types of exposure, etc.