Adventure Studio

Adventure Studio is for learners who are curious and have a strong desire to learn and take on new challenges. These learners work on difficult real-world problems and learn to write and think more deeply. Learners continue collaborating, building their character, and building friendships with their studio-mates who will challenge and support them through peer review of their work. This Studio ultimately brings learners to a deeper understanding of their character, while they explore natural talents and gifts to discover who they are and where they are headed.

Daily Schedule:

8:30 AM Arrival

8:45 AM Launch

9:00 AM Morning Work

11:00 AM Lunch / Free Time

12:00 PM Civilization or Communications Workshop

1:00 PM Project Time

2:30 PM Studio Maintenance

2:45 PM Free Time

3:15 PM Close

3:30 PM Dismissal

What is included in each time block?

Morning & Afternoon Launch: Socratic discussion & community meetings.

Core Skills: Individual and small guided group work in Math, Reading, Spelling, and Writing.

Quests/Projects: Collaborative work time (includes applied Math, Science, Arts & Civilization — our term for “World History” including economics, politics, art, geography, philosophy.)

Art: Visual arts, dramatic arts, musical arts

Close: Reflections on the day and lessons learned.

Meet the Guides:

What Makes Adventure Studio Special:

  • Servant Leadership: Adventure learners play an important role in our school community and fulfill many leadership roles beyond their own studio. Learners serve as quest designers, technology specialists, math mentors, reading buddies, and more.

  • Apprenticeships: Opportunities to venture out into the world to learn and work alongside mentors in the community. Learners often pursue apprenticeships aligned with their passions from everywhere to tech companies to local bakeries - the opportunities are endless!

  • Flex Fridays: The studio schedule on Friday is designed to create space for learners to pursue passions that take them beyond the studio walls. Learners spend Fridays exploring, traveling, apprenticing, and more time with family and friends.

  • Freedom: Adventure learners have earned many freedoms that come with being the oldest learners in the school - freedom to design their own learning experiences, explore the Westover community, spend time at the local library, and pursue apprenticeships.


Discovery (2-5)